Hyundai Undercounter Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System
Quick change Reverse Osmosis Undercounter System w/Faucet & Storage Tank
Reverse Osmosis (RO) drinking water systems include mechanical filtration to remove particles, carbon absorption and absorption to remove chlorine, taste, odor and chemical contaminants, as well as membrane separation down to 0.0001 microns. RO membranes remove dissolved solids at the ionic level. No other purification system can provide better removal.
RO Systems is a Home Drinking Water System that uses the principle of reverse osmosis to remove 95-99% of all the mineral and chemical contaminants from raw tap water. Our products gives you the quality of bottled water with the convenience of a faucet mounted on your kitchen sink.
Reverse Osmosis is the reversal of the natural flow of osmosis. In a water purification system, the goal is not to dilute the salt solution, but to separate the pure water from the salt and other contaminants. When the natural osmotic flow is reversed, water from the salt solution is forced through the membrane in the opposite direction by application of pressure-thus the term REVERSE OSMOSIS. Through this process, we are able to produce pure water by screening out the salts and other contaminants.
Sediment Filter
Sediment Filter maximized the effect of purification from the initial stage by eliminating minute impurities with the size down to 1 um such as rust, soil, sand and dust and extends the life of filters in the next stages.
Pre-Carbon Filter
The carbon filter that uses activated carbons utilizing chemical absorption eliminates the chlorine generated during the process of treatment for the city water and also other organic compounds and odors to make the city water just as natural water.
Reverse Osmosis Membrane
R/O Membrane Filter eliminates all pollutants such as heavy metals, virus, bacteria and organic chemicals through stomata with the size of 0.0001 um, which is 1/1,000,000 of the thickness of human hair.
R/O Membrane separates organic chemicals better than inorganic chemicals and electrolytes better than non-electrolytes. R/O Membrane can eliminate not only the substances of particle nature bur also the substances of ionic nature, the particle size of which is very small.
R/O Membrane separates substances without changing the phase of the substances and is applicable to various fields as it has good physical and chemical durability.
Post Carbon Block Filter
The filter has the function preventing the propagation of germs and eliminating odors melted into water and bad taste, coloring matter and then generate colorless and odorless clean drinking water.
Price $390.00