Hyundai Nano Alkaline Filter

How it works
PH filter Increases alkalinity levels  between 7.365ph  & 7.9+ to restore PH balance. Without a PH filter, acidic water will decrease hydration and slow metabolism. Drinking higher alkaline water contributes to more energy & improved hydration. PH also eliminates  bacteria in the tanks, lines and spigots as the water passes through a natural antiseptic and antibacterial process in the PH Filter. This filter that will reduce acidity in the body and it will produce natural calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium ions that can be absorbed 100% in the human body. The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a perfect Natural Alkali Calcium Ionized Water. The Alkaline filter simply gives back minerals such as ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, ion, which were taken away while purifying the water. The Alkaline filter is effective and affordable.

。Produce perfectly ph-balanced alkaline water
。Help minimize the fluctuations of your body’s ph.
。Turn acidic drinking water into alkali calcium ion water.
。This natural calcium, magnesium, sodium, ions can be absorbed 100% by the body.
。It is easily absorbed in the body because it has structurally smaller molecules which help the body take in more water and replenish quickly lost water.
。Makes the water cleaner and healthier.

Price $70.00

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Hyundai Nano Alkaline Filter
Product Name
Hyundai Nano Alkaline Filter