Paradise water has been active in Cayman since 2006 under the umbrella of Paradise Coffee www.paradisecoffee.ky . In the years to follow up to the present day we have been successful in educating our existing and potential clients on how economical and environmentally friendly our drinking water systems are whether for home or business. Paradise Water has become an entity on it’s own it was decided to make Paradise Water a house hold name. Paradise water also provides a wide range of water filters for whole house as well for the industries using ice, coffee, espresso and fountain or soda machines. With all of our clients we provide a maintenance schedule tailored to their needs as well as superior and fast service that we pride ourselves on when needed or called upon.
What Paradise water can do for you and your business is offer potential savings which can be significant for both small and large businesses. No more bottle changing process risking potential injury with heavy bottles. No more frequent deliveries and inconvenient storage of water bottles and eliminate plastic bottles all together. Our Bottleless systems are sealed and secure from potential contaminants as opposed to bottle replacement and holding area. Rent from us today, for unlimited drinking water rentals starting as low as $35 per month.
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. – THOMAS FULLER